Thursday, April 4, 2013

Miss Martian [MHR]

Miss Martian first human formMiss Martian 

Solo d8 Buddy d6 Team d10

Hello, Megan!
“Martian Manhunter’s Niece”
Untapped Potential


Martian Physiology 
Flight D6
Shapeshifting d8
Invisibility d10
Telepathy d8
Telekinetic Control d10

SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Martial Physiology powers in a single dice pool at -1 step for each additional power.

SFX: Untapped Potential. Step up or double any Martian Physiology power for one action. If the action fails, add a die to doom pool equal to the normal rating of your power die.

Limit: Vulnerable to Heat. Shutdown any Martian power and gain 1 PP when affected by a heat-based complication. Recover by removing the complication.


Cosmic Expert
Tech Expert
Vehicle Expert


Raised on Television
1 XP: When you rely on television for a cultural reference.
3 XP: When you attempt to recreate an event from “Hello, Megan.”
10 XP: When you make a significant change in another character to make them fit into a role from the show or you give up on using television.

Not Really J’onn’s Niece
1 XP: When you lie about your White Martian Heritage..
3 XP: When you inflict stress or a complication on a character in order to cover up your White Martian Heritage.
10 XP: When you either inflict Trauma on a teammate to cover up your heritage or reveal your heritage to your teammates.

Design Notes: Miss Martian is going to have the biggest change, in terms of stats between Seasons 1 and 2, but right now, this seems to fit. I could see breaking her powers into shapeshifting and telepathic powersets, but like other aliens (Superman, J'onn, Icon), it really seems like they should have just the single set, with Multipower so they can mix and match powers. 

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