Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Brick [MHR]

BrickBrick (Watcher Datafile)

Solo d8 Buddy d4 Team d6

Star City Crime Lord
Sharp Dressed Villain


Metahuman Crimelord

Superhuman Durability d10
Superhuman Stamina d10
Superhuman Strength d10

SFX: Collateral Damage. Step back the highest die in the pool to add d6 to an attack action. Add the highest-rolling die to the doom pool before calculating the total.

SFX: Invulnerability. Spend a doom die from the doom pool to ignore physical stress or trauma.

Limit: Arrogance. If a pool includes a Metahuman Crimelord power, both 1s and 2s on those dice count as opportunities, but only 1s are excluded from being used for totals or effect dice


Crime Expert d8
Combat Expert d8
Menace Expert d8

Design Notes: I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about the DC Universe, but I have never heard of this guy until YJ. In the end, he's a generic "brick" villain. Strong and Tough and not much else.

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