Monday, September 22, 2014

Dresden Accelerated Playtest Thoughts

So thanks to my pal Theron I was able to participate in the Dresden Files Accelerated Playtest. The first session was mostly world-building and character creation, but we did manage to quickly save a bunch of runaways from a Red Court Vampire. (One of the things we decided upon was that this game took place during the Red Court War, because Reds are such great monsters to smite.)

The players were all super-familiar with the books, though none of us had played the Original Flavor Dresden RPG, and we were all new to Fate Accelerated. We came up with an ex-changeling who'd Chosen to be human because the Fae are all jerks, the "Murphy of Houston" (though she's got True Faith), and since the magic system was important to test (and because WIZARD) I made a White Council Wizard. We had fun coming up with the shared backstory and some of the things we're going to face down the line. 

In terms of gameplay, we were all new to FAE, but it's pretty simple stuff, though the Dresden patch of it takes some getting used to. But that's why there's playtesting - considering the differences between the original drafts of the Dresden RPG and the awesome RPG that it ended up being, I'm sure that Dresden Accelerated is going to rock.