Sunday, August 24, 2014

#RPGaDay 23rd - Coolest Looking RPG/Book


The Dresden Files RPG has a nifty look to it. One of the conceits of the game is that it's a sort-of in world artifact. For those not familiar with the setting, in the world of the Dresden Files, the book Dracula was written as a "how to kill Black Court Vampires" instruction manual. As a result of the book, the Black Court of Vampires (1) was almost entirely wiped out. Additionally, Dresden plays tabletop RPGs with a bunch of his friends (who are also werewolves, but that's not really germane to my point). So the leader of the pack had the idea that they could do something similar for all the other monsters out there by publishing a RPG that includes the details on the other monsters out there. So Billy wrote a draft of the game, and it's covered in post-it notes and margin scribbles by Billy, Dresden and Bob the Skull for the "next draft" of the game. Dresden, for instance, says they need to globally change names and redact some things that would get everyone in a lot of trouble if it were revealed. (2)

But I wanted to mention a couple of other books that deserve mention.

The four DC Adventures RPG books by Green Ronin are full of art from the DC archives. Best of all, everything in the books is pre-New52. So there's all sorts of gorgeous stuff in there.

Eclipse Phase and Shadowrun both have great graphic design across the board.

(1) In the Dresden-verse, there are different kinds of vampires. Black Court Vampires follow the Dracula rules. The Red, White and Jade Courts have different powers and weaknesses.

(2) The game itself isn't "canon" because there's no way Dresden would have told Billy all the secrets the game books reveal. There is an original (and canonical) short story in the setting book.

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