Speedy [Watcher Version]
Solo d10 Buddy d8 Team d6 I'm Not A Sidekick
Broken Arrow
It’s the League or nothing
Bow And Trick Arrows
Gadgets d6
Weapon d8
SFX: Focused Shot. If a pool includes a Bow and Trick Arrows power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger.
SFX: Multishot. Step up or double a Bow and Trick Arrows die against a single target. Remove the highest rolling die and add 3 dice for your total.
SFX: Explosive Arrow. Against multiple opponents, for every additional target add a d6 and keep an additional effect die.
SFX: Trick Arrow. Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting complications (like "trapped in a net" or "smoke cloud") on a target.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Bow and Trick Arrows and gain 1 Doom Die. Recover by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.
Acrobatic Expert
Covert Expert
Combat Expert
Crime Expert
Tech Expert
Design Notes: First off, Speedy could go either way. Maybe there's troupe style play and someone plays Roy every once and a while. Maybe he's a Watcher character that shows up to stir things up. I think it's more interesting, given the whole "Broken Arrow" thing, that he's a Watcher character that the Watcher lets folks play. (Of course, I wouldn't write down the Broken Arrow distinction on the sheet I gave to players.) For a Player Character, I'd give him Milestones about "Making It On His Own" and "Finding the Mole."
Additionally, there's probably going to be more disagreement about whether or not certain non-powered folks have Enhanced abilities or not. My take is that, to bump up to Enhanced, the character either has to have some applicable super-power (like Captain America or Black Panther, who were explicitly enhanced by the super soldier serum / heart shaped herb) or you have to be at the Batman level of obsessive lifelong training. If you think that Speedy and Robin deserve Enhanced Reflexes, Kate Bishop's writeup in Civil War: Young Avengers/Runaways is perfect to take from.
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