Thursday, August 29, 2013

Artemis [MHR]

Artemis in 2010Artemis

Solo d6 Buddy d10 Team d8

Raised by Sportsmaster
Something to Prove
Short Tempered

Bow And Trick Arrows
Weapon d8 Gadgets d6

SFX: Focused Shot. If a pool includes a Bow and Trick Arrows power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger.

SFX: Multishot. Step up or double a Bow and Trick Arrows die against a single target. Remove the highest rolling die and add 3 dice for your total.

SFX: Explosive Arrow. Against multiple opponents, for every additional target add a d6 and keep an additional effect die.

SFX: Smoke or Net Arrow. Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting “Blinded By Smoke” or “Trapped in a Net” complications on a target.

Limit: Gear. Shutdown Bow and Trick Arrows to gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. doom pool to recover.

Acrobatics Expert
Covert Expert
Crime Expert
Combat Expert


Fitting in with The Team
1 XP when: you give support to another hero on your team.
3 XP when: you confront a team member about your place on the team.
10 XP when: when you either sacrifice something you hold dear for the benefit of your team or walk away from your team to avoid that sacrifice.

Escaping The Family Business
1 xp when: You lie to someone about your family.
3 xp when: You let your feelings for Cheshire and/or Sportsmaster get in the way of the mission.
10 xp when: You either own up to the team as to who your family is or join Sportsmaster and Cheshire as super-villains.