Solo d10 Buddy d8 Team d6
Fastest Boy Alive
Science Whiz
Heart on His Sleeve, Foot in his Mouth
Superhuman Reflexes d10
Superhuman Speed d10
Vortex Control d6
SFX: Area. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep an additional effect die.
SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Super Speed powers in a single dice pool at -1 step for each additional power.
Limit: Exhausted. Shut down Super-Speed power to step up the lowest die in the doom pool or add a d6 doom die. Activate an opportunity to recover.
The Goggles Aren’t Just For Show
Senses d6
Limit: Gear. Shutdown The Goggles Aren't Just For Show and gain 1 PP. Recover by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene
Acrobatic Master
Science Expert
Trophy Collector
1 XP When: you first mention a past adventure where you collected a trophy.
3 XP When: you bring home a new trophy for The Cave.
10 XP When: one of your trophies becomes vital for success or you stop collecting trophies when one becomes a danger to the team.
Looking For That Spitfire
1 XP When: you flirt with a woman you’ve just met.
3 XP When: you pursue a woman who is oblivious to your advances or awkwardly keeps you in the “The Friend Zone.”
10 XP When: you finally find that Spitfire or you realize it's never going to happen and move on.
Design Notes: I referred to Speed from Civil War: Young Avengers/Runaways. Speed is MUCH faster than Wally (as are Flash and Impulse). Part of the reason, I'm assuming, is that characters with Godlike Speed are harder to animate (according to various commentary tracks on the Justice League DVDs) and to have legitimate reasons for them not to take everyone down in the first picosecond of a fight. I could see Wally being a Science Master, but while he's crazy smart, I didn't feel like he was in Reed Richards' class. (But in an alternate universe, teenage Wally would make a great member of the Future Foundation.)
Edited: Thanks to Mystrich on the MWP forums for the suggestions about Wally's Milestones.
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