Friday, May 3, 2013

Black Canary [MHR]

Black CanaryBlack Canary

Solo d8 Buddy d10 Team d6

Legacy Crimefighter
Pretty Bird


Lifelong Training
Enhanced Reflexes d8
Enhanced Stamina d8

SFX: Judo Throw. Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a Pinned, Tripped or Thrown complication on a target.

SFX: Rally. Spend a die from the doom pool to recover physical stress of an equal die size.

Limit: Exhaustion. If stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Lifelong Training. Recover Lifelong Training when stress is recovered or you awake. If Physical Trauma is taken, shutdown Lifelong Training until trauma is recovered.

Canary Cry

Blast d10

SFX: Area. Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep an additional effect die.

SFX: Unleashed. Step up or double any Canary Cry power for one action. If the action fails, step back that power. Spend a doom die to recover that power.

SFX: Dangerous. Add a d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back highest die in pool by –1. Step up Physical Stress inflicted by +1.

Limit: Exhaustion If stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Canary Cry. Recover Canary Cry when stress is recovered or you awake. If Physical Trauma is taken, shutdown Canary Cry until trauma is recovered.


Crime Master
Combat Master
Psych Master

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