Saturday, July 21, 2012

Campaigns I'd Like to Run - Marvel: Days That Have Come To Pass

I am not ashamed to admit that I am not a fan of Mark Millar's work (with the sole exception being his brief run on Superman Adventures, the comic based on Superman: The Animated Series). But I am a fan of the new Marvel RPG (gee, ya think, how many non MHR posts are there so far, hmm), and I bought the Civil War Sourcebook.

And, as I am wont to do, it had me thinking, "how would I run Civil War?" Well, first off, Reed Richards and Tony Stark don't become evil masterminds who are cool wutgh sticking their friends in a Negative Zone Gulag. And then I thought, well, hmm. What's the SHRA going to say? Is it the "join the Initiative or say hello to Prison 42" version or the "If you want to be a super-hero, you have to reveal your secret ID to SHIELD (who will theoretically keep it secure) and take some training classes" version?

Well, if it's the later, then there's no big conflict. When I started thinking about it, a majority of Marvel's cast don't bother with secret IDs. The only ones I can come up with are: Spider-Man, Daredevil and the Young Avengers. Most of the Avengers don't, the FF and X-Men don't bother either. Thor has one, but he's also gone for long stretches of time without one.

So the more draconian one makes for higher stakes, and for a more unified front. So here's how I'd do it.

Act 1: The New New Warriors accidentally blow up an innocent little town. The American people decide they are sick and tired of reckless vigilantes and demand that the government do something. Henry Gyrich and Tony Stark testify to Congress about the pros and cons. Tony starts to get concerned, so he, Danny Rand, Kyle Richmond and Warren Worthington III (if he still has money) back a dumptruck full of money to the law firm of Nelson, Murdock and Walters, and plan a legal defense. Despite their best efforts, the SHRA passes. Rachel Summers regains some of her memories and realizes that the Days of Future Past are starting right now.

Act 2: There's a grace period between passage and when the supers have to register. Cap says folks should do what they think is right. Tony says he's got an appeal in the works. But midnight comes and all the heroes who don't register are attacked by Sentinels, reprogrammed to hunt down any super being and costumed heroes.The X-Mansion is surrounded by a  bajillion Sentinels "for the mutants own protection." Registered heroes who assist unregistered vigilantes are getting arrested. Additionally, the Thunderbolts undergo a massive recruiting drive and are put in charge of hunting down heroes. Fortunately, the smart heroes can build a gizmo that messes with Sentinel programming, so the only way the Sentinels can find the heroes is by catching them in the act of heroism.

Act 3: It's a final showdown against the Master Mold, an army of Sentinels, the Thunderbolts and the Secret Masters who had been organizing this all along. Not sure who - Skrulls, Hydra, AIM, some new faction, etc.Also, maybe I'd run this someday.

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